We have four main values here at Hillside which are: Worship, Family, Community, and Mission.
Worship: We want to see Jesus-centered, biblically-saturated lives of worship. At Hillside one of our main priorities is attributing worth to God through Worship. In Sunday morning worship, we praise God through song, prayer, and offering. Pastor Ian encourages bringing your Bible or picking one up at the front of the Sanctuary to follow along during the message. But worship goes farther than just coming to church on a Sunday morning. We want to see people transformed by Jesus and then living out that transformation through lives of worship- dedicating every aspect of their lives to follow Jesus.
Family: We want to see strong families filled with love, grace, and joy. We encourage families to take part in Sunday School and our Parenting Bible Studies to foster growth in family relationships. The bible clearly lays out the importance of the family unit and we believe it is our job as a church to encourage and to help our families grow in their faith.
Community: We want to see supportive friendships where people are encouraged in their faith and share life together. Community at Hillside is important because we believe that the good fight of faith is not meant to be fought alone. That’s why at Hillside we have various small groups, activities, and bible studies happening during the week to foster and grow relationships. There is a place for everyone at our church.
Mission: We want to see people connected to Jesus in our families, our neighborhood, and our world. One of the best ways to get to know other people is to take on a project with them. There is always room for more people to partner with us in ministry. We want to provide an atmosphere where people can use their gifts in service to God. Additionally, as a part of the Great Commission that Jesus gives His church, we are to go and spread the Good News of Jesus. We do this by partnering with organizations like the Surrey Food Bank, and Lutheran World Relief, and through our own church-sponsored community events.